Focus On
Risky Behaviors
While there are many positive healthy lifestyle behaviors that decrease a person’s risk for diseases and improve overall health, there are also a number of risk behaviors that increase the likelihood of disease, injury, or death. These preventable risk behaviors are most frequently practiced by youth, and include drug and alcohol use, driving under the influence, tobacco use, and unprotected sex.
Risky Behaviors Indicator Map: Sexually Transmitted Disease Rate
As teens and young adults begin to exercise independence and explore their limits, they often engage in behaviors that increase their risk of disease, injury, or even death. These behaviors include drug and alcohol use, driving under the influence, tobacco use, and unprotected sex. Sometimes these behaviors lead to other unintended consequences, such as violence and unintentional injury. While many youth will avoid or abandon these behaviors eventually, some develop patterns of addiction or habit that extend into adulthood, increasing the risk of negative consequences for their families and future children. Creating environments among youth peer groups that discourage risky behaviors reduces the likelihood of initiation of risk behaviors and helps to avoid negative consequences and addiction later in life.
Kansas has 10 regional prevention centers that focus on reducing these behaviors among youth. These centers are excellent resources for community coalitions and organizations that aim to reduce or eliminate risk behaviors in their communities. Additionally, these community groups and coalitions can visit the promising practices section of the website to explore some successful strategies that other communities have employed in combatting risk behaviors.