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The Ohio Department of Health School-Based Dental Sealant Program

A Good Idea


The goal of the Ohio Department of Health School-Based Dental Sealant Program is to provide grants to support school-based sealant programs that target schools where a large proportion of students come from low-income families.

These school-based programs generally operate from September to June and target second and sixth graders. Participating dentists examine and prescribe sealants for students, after which dental hygienists place the sealants. A year later, in their third and seventh grade years, children are followed up with. During this follow-up, sealants are placed on newly erupted teeth or are replaced if not retained.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the Ohio Department of Health School-Based Dental Sealant Program is to provide grants to agencies that aim to conduct dental sealant programs in schools with large proportions of low-income students.

Results / Accomplishments

The state of Ohio evaluates the impact of these programs by collecting periodic surveys on sealant prevalence. These surveys have shown a steady increase in prevalence of dental sealants, with 11% of eight-year-olds having sealants in 1987-1988, 26% in 1992-1993, and 30% in 1998-1999.

About this Promising Practice

The Ohio Department of Health
Primary Contact
Janet Pierson
Ohio Department of Health
246 N. High Street
P.O. Box 118
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 466-4180
Health / Oral Health
The Ohio Department of Health
ASTDD (Association of State & Territorial Dental Directors)
Date of publication
Jan 2002
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Kansas Health Matters