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Pregnancy Partners Patient Navigator Program

An Effective Practice


Clark County Public Health (CCPH) identified prenatal care entry as an issue of concern for their community in November 2007, when data showed a lower level of first trimester prenatal care in Clark County compared to national goals and a large disparity between non-Medicaid and Medicaid women. Through a process of data analysis and community input CCPH selected a patient navigator program to address the issue, and the program was implemented in September 2009. Patient navigators have established relationships with community partners who serve pregnant women, faith-based organizations, WIC clinics and other group settings where there may be low-income women in need of pregnancy resources. The navigators work with women to link them to community resources and services, including help with Medicaid applications, choosing a managed care plan, and obtaining prenatal care appointments. Women may also receive assistance with other barriers to receiving prenatal care such as transportation, child care, and referrals for mental health or substance abuse treatment.

Goal / Mission

The primary objective of Pregnancy Partners is to increase first trimester prenatal care among low-income pregnant women.


Pregnancy Partners provides women with the assistance needed to overcome barriers to prenatal care, including referrals for need-based assistance.

Results / Accomplishments

During the first year, 58 women participated in the program. Of the women staff were able to discuss referral options with, 96% received a referral for community resources and/or services. Referrals allowed women to have the resources they needed beyond the services provided in the traditional health care system. Of the 58 women, 54 applied for pregnancy medical coverage, 12 applied for food assistance, and 9 applied for cash assistance through the state social services agency. Evaluation results helped to secure funding to continue the program beyond the first year.

About this Promising Practice

Clark County Public Health
Primary Contact
Doris Sanders, Patient Navigator
1601 E. Fourth Plain Blvd.
Bldg 17
Vancouver, WA 98661
(360) 397-8254
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
Clark County Public Health
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Clark County, WA
For more details
Target Audience
Kansas Health Matters